Yes, it is a good morning here in the Twin Cities area, but for places like New York City . . . not so much. Let’s continue to pray for the suffering around the world and their families along with the healthcare workers and first responders stretched beyond their limits.
I must admit, it’s getting hard to turn on the news. Not much is encouraging, except the stories of how people are sacrificing to help their fellow man. The projected numbers of cases and deaths are expected to rise sharply in the next couple of weeks. As I was praying yesterday it occurred to me that as tragic as it is that people will be dying, the fact that many will be facing “eternal death” is inconceivably worse. Jesus was plain, He is the way, the truth, and the life . . . no one comes to the Father but through Him. He said “Unless you believe that I am He (God’s only Savior and the means to forgiveness of sin and reconciliation with God) you will die in your sins. (John 8:24)
I’m sure we all know people who have not yet believed; who are trusting in their own righteousness to be right with God, or who just plain want nothing to do with “religion” at all. Therefore, in these uncertain times, I feel lead to call the church to prayer once again. To pray for those we know and love that have not received Christ and God’s wonderful gift of salvation through Him.
I am reminded as I write of how Saul of Tarsus, while on the road to Damascus to arrest all the Christians he could find and throw them in jail, was literally knocked off his high horse (Acts 9) and met by a bright light and the voice of Jesus Himself calling him to repentance. Though the Scriptures do not expressly say so, I have to believe it was because Christians, who by all rights should have loathed him, were praying earnestly for him.
Not only is prayer critical at this time, but the Bible also tells us to be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in us “with gentleness and respect”. Should God open the door for you to share the good news of Jesus’ love and salvation with your neighbor or loved one, how comfortable would you be in doing so?
Many of us struggle with sharing our faith because we don’t feel equipped, or we don’t want to offend others, or we don’t want to be rejected. But sharing Christ with others doesn’t need to be scary at all. And in times of uncertainty like we find ourselves at present, we are going to find people are even more open to having spiritual discussions. I want to give you some resources that will help you to share Christ effectively and comfortably.
The first is an actual seminar on the subject. It’s an hour long, but very informative. You can get the basics in the first 15 minutes. You will find that by clicking Here.
The second is Bill Bright’s “Four Spiritual laws” in pdf form that you can download and print. Click Here.
The third is a free little booklet from Billy Graham’s organization that you can order. Click Here.
Again, this unprecedented time in our country gives us a golden opportunity to plant seeds that God can use to bring people to Himself. Let’s take advantage of that for the sake of those God would put on our hearts, Amen?
And let me also say, if anyone of you has any question about your own faith and want to talk about it, I would love to chat with you and help put your mind at ease. Just call.
In His love,
-Pastor Ron
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