Happy Spring!!
Yet as I look at my weather app, I see it’s only 26 degrees out! How like our current conditions in the world. A cold front has come in and disrupted our “spring” moving us indoors.
Last time we had service at the church, I ended the message with a song taken out of Psalm 3 called, Thou Art a Shield. In that Psalm, David is looking at the many things that are currently coming against him – not least of all an army of thousands. Along with those things are the voices that say “there is no help in God”. David, seeing all that, then turns His focus to the Lord and says, “Thou O Lord are a shield for me, my glory and the lifter of my head.”
The application is clear. Though we take seriously those things that may be working against us, we see them in the light of who our God is. He is our shield (protector), our glory (our might and strength) and the lifter of our heads (our encouragement, the source of our positive attitude built on faith and not on sight <2 Cor. 5:7>).
But here’s the thing. This cannot simply be a concept in our minds. If we are to walk in victory, it must become the conviction of our hearts. In my own prayer time this morning, I was “confronted” with this.
David came to rest in God – not in a time of peace, but precisely when he was surrounded by trouble. It’s in these times – when our hearts wrestle with what we think we believe vs. what we see around us – that our faith has opportunity to become solid. “the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1).
It’s here where we realize just how much we are not in control that we put our hope in the only real place of security – the Lord our God.
So in this rather surreal chain of events in which we find ourselves, may your faith grow and bear much fruit to the glory of God!!
Wrestling with you.
-Pastor Ron
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